Kellie and AJ Blair

Kellie and AJ Blair farm in Webster County outside of Dayton, IA. After graduating from Iowa State University in 2004, AJ started working alongside his dad on the farm, and Kellie after graduating from ISU worked in various agriculture spaces until she transitioned to farming full-time with her husband in 2017. As fourth-generation farmers, the Blairs are constantly looking for new ways to advance conservation while remaining profitable in Iowa.
Their conservation mentality is visible in their extended rotation of corn, soybeans, alfalfa hay, and oats and the use of non-GMO soybeans to help break up the weed cycle. Additionally, they use cover crops before all their no-till soybeans and use both strip-till and no-till before corn. The Blairs raise beef cattle and sell directly to consumers as well as custom finish beef cattle for other farmers.
Partnerships are what make the Blairs successful. They partner with many organizations and individuals conducting research, implementing conservation practices, and sharing knowledge. Growth and change are essential to agriculture in Iowa, not only to make more money but to farm in environmentally sound ways.
Building a Culture of Conservation:
“Take pride in what you have and what’s been done,” – AJ.
“But it all comes down to the humility of knowing we can always do a little better,” – Kellie.
Contact Information
Kellie and AJ Blair
3531 Paragon Ave.
Dayton, IA 50530
(515) 351-1271 Kellie
(515) 351-0461 AJ