Kelly and Irene Tobin

Kelly Tobin has always wanted to farm, and besides the two years he spent in the military, that is what he has spent his whole life doing. He grew up on a farm in Northwest Missouri, met and married his wife Irene who had a career as a consumer science teacher, and had four children. Later the family of six moved to a farm in Taylor County, Iowa. Kelly always wished he had the opportunity to attend college and went back at age 54 to take classes at Iowa State University while farming and earned his bachelor's degree in agricultural business and agronomy in 1987.
Kelly has been no-till farming since 1979 and over the years added an extended rotation as well as cover crops. He worked hard to increase his organic matter content in the soil, and as a result the soil needs less nitrogen added. Kelly also raised pigs and cows over the years, but his pride and joy has been establishing the chestnut orchard. He is passionate about soil health and was involved in many organizations like the county and state soil boards and Conservation Districts of Iowa. He has been retired since 2018, and now resides in Ames, but still likes to visit the farm and talk to farmers about soil health.
Building a Culture of Conservation:
“We have to keep saving the soil to keep clean water. Cover crops and no-till go together and help build up the soil.”
Contact Information
Kelly and Irene Tobin
2205 Green Hills Dr. Unit 1202