Blake and Sally Hollis

Blake and Sally Hollis farm together outside of Waterloo in Black Hawk County. They met at Iowa State University where Blake studied Ag Business and Sally studied Mechanical Engineering. Blake moved back to the farm and Sally worked at John Deere in various roles until transitioning to working on the farm full-time in 2013. They raise pigs and farm corn and soybeans, both organic and non-organic.
The Hollis’ first became interested in conservation practices in their involvement with the Miller Creek Watershed Initiative. They and the community have seen a lot of benefits to their efforts and that is why Blake and Sally keep looking to try new things and continue to make conservation work. Sally and Blake both emphasized how conservation of the land aligns with their five core values – Efficient, Progressive, Integrity, Customer Wow!, and Stewardship.
Building a Culture of Conservation:
“Conservation practices can be risky when trying them for the first time, but we’ve seen the benefits and been able to learn and make changes to our operation.” -Sally
“Stakeholder cooperation is where real change has been seen, like in the Miller Creek Watershed Initiative. It has allowed widespread adoption of conservation practices in our area and encouraged other farmers to get involved.” - Blake
Contact Information
Blake and Sally Hollis
Lanehaven Farms
7502 Hammon Ave
Waterloo, IA 50701
Facebook: Lanehaven Farms, Inc.
Twitter: @LanehavenFarms