Laura Krouse

When Laura Krouse founded Abbe Hills Farms in 1995, it was one of the first four CSAs in Iowa. All were founded that year, all by women. Her initial desire to build a diverse, local operation, which now grows over 100 varieties of plants, was founded on her experience as both an SWCD commissioner in Linn County and a biology professor at Cornell College in Mount Vernon.
Now, with over 25 years of experience and 200 CSA shareholders, not to mention many restaurants and institutions that use her food, there is a lot for Laura to be proud of. However, in her view, the greatest successes have as much to do with ecology as productivity. “I’m proud that our little ecosystem seems friendly to lots of creatures. And I’m proud we can do something different and make it work.”
Laura’s efforts to provide opportunities to young people who don’t have farming in their families are of equal importance. Mentoring young people through summer internships is her greatest joy in farming. She believes that keeping young people on the land is one of the most crucial elements to fostering greater conservation in Iowa.
Building a Culture of Conservation:
“All kinds of people can farm. Painters can farm. Whoever. We need people to bring fresh ideas, especially to create new markets. And we simply can’t eliminate kids who didn’t grow up around farms.”
Contact Information:
Laura Krouse
825 Abbe Hills Road
Mount Vernon, IA 52314