Doug Nolte

Along with his brother, Doug took over operations of his family’s two century farms outside Wilton in 2004. At the time, they had deep concerns about soil erosion in their community and needed a system which would ensure the longevity of the farm’s living systems. Thus, the two immediately bought a no-till planter, even though they had some initial uncertainty about the practice.
However, the need to preserve the natural systems was clear, and conservation became a matter of survival. Describing this time, Doug said, “You have to understand that in those first four years we were just exploring what directions would work for us long-term. We were willing to experiment and didn’t have a strong influence from my father to say, ‘That’ll never work.’”
In addition to crops, Doug raises hogs in hoop confinements, which fits his management style better than traditional confinement buildings. He is pleased that his sons are interested in livestock, although he maintains a healthy sense of humor about his son’s interest in show cattle: “In the end, it’s only gonna be worth what the market is willing to pay you, and well, it’s gonna be hamburger.”
Building a Culture of Conservation:
“I don’t want to pigeonhole my son, because he may have to do it way differently than I think it has to be done. Things change, so you just do what you can to make sure that change is wise and the land stays healthy.”
Contact Information
Doug Nolte
1141 Trail Ave
Wilton, IA 52778