Frank Moore

Frank Moore’s insight is unique in multiple regards. Firstly, his family doesn’t trace farming back multiple generations. Although neither of Frank’s parents grew up on farms, their family moved to Cresco in 1969 to raise crops and pure-bred sows. Soon after Frank returned to help on the farm, he took a job at the local NRCS office to help the family continue farming and expand before the farm crisis struck.

Since taking over from his father, Frank has operated up to 2000 acres of corn and soybeans, eventually utilizing no-till on everything and cover crops on all owned acres. Frank’s expertise as an NRCS staff and co-owner of Three Rivers Ag Consulting has always been founded on pragmatism and first-hand knowledge from his own operation.

He fully acknowledges the challenges of implementing conservation, particularly cover crops, and his recommendations to other farmers always involves problem-solving on a case-by-case basis. Frank is a strong believer in farmers’ ability to make conservation work on their land through good problem-solving, regardless of where they farm.

Building a Culture of Conservation: 

“For successful conservation adoption, it’s crucial to get advice from someone not involved in one’s operation. The same could be said for my farm. Someone who isn’t me would be able to see things I ignore because I see it every day.”


Contact Information

Frank Moore
18726 115th Street
Cresco, IA 52136