Regenerative agriculture lies at the heart on Mike Bretz’s rural Buchanan County operation. After being employed at General Mills for more than 25 years, Mike returned to the farm to carry on his family’s legacy while nurturing the land and water bodies nearby. Learning from the work of other regenerative farmers, Mike strives to enhance soil health. To do this, he has looked to practices that increase carbon in the soil with hopes of boosting microbial life. Soil organisms are further helped through the continuous no-till that Mike practices. In addition to corn and soybean production, Mike raises 90 head of cattle which he eventually hopes to rotationally graze year-round. Through all his efforts, Mike has seen improved infiltration, healthier soils, cleaner water, increased wildlife, reduced input costs, and added grazing opportunities.
Read MoreDick Sloan was raised on a farm a few miles away from the 320 acres he’s farmed since 1978, both just outside Brandon. While he was raised with a strong emphasis on conservation, his practices continue to evolve as he innovates tirelessly towards greater efficiency and resilience. A strong believer in experimentation, he told us that he’s “not afraid to make mistakes, because it’s the only way to find what works best on your land.”
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